Topics of interests include, but are not limited to:
- Integrating law and policy compliance into the development process
- Privacy or data protection impact assessments in the engineering context
- Privacy engineering and data-driven software development
- Privacy engineering in machine learning and AI
- Privacy engineering and data subject access rights and data portability
- Privacy risk management models
- Technical standards, heuristics and best practices for privacy engineering
- User privacy and data protection requirements
- Management of privacy requirements with other system requirements
- Privacy-preserving architectures for databases, networks, and the cloud
- Privacy engineering in the context of interaction design and usability
- Validation and verification of privacy properties and requirements
- Engineering Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETs)
- Integration of PETs into systems or the development ecosystem
- Tools and formal languages supporting privacy engineering
- Teaching and training privacy engineering
- Pilots and real-world applications
- Evaluation of privacy engineering methods, technologies and tools
- Organizational, legal, political and economic aspects of privacy engineering
This topic list is not meant to be exhaustive as IWPE is interested in all aspects of privacy engineering. However, to screen out off-topic papers early in the review process, we request authors to submit an abstract prior to their paper submission. Abstracts of papers without a clear application to privacy engineering will be considered outside the scope of this workshop and may be rejected.